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1,258 results
Maguro Bito

Maguro Bito

Perri Silverstein

This hugely popular conveyor-belt sushi shop in Asakusa attracts both tourists and locals. The price per plate ranges from 140 to 520 yen.

Tokyo 4
Gozasoro Red Bean Waffle Cakes

Gozasoro Red Bean Waffle Cakes

Avery Choi

At the heart of Himeji station stands a famous stall - Gozasora, where you can get the country’s best imagawa-yakis (今川焼) for less than a hundred yen.

Hyogo 3
Five Authentic Pizza Spots in Shinagawa

Five Authentic Pizza Spots in Shinagawa


Hazama, who is developing the beer, is adamant that cola is the best drink... roaring fire, the pasta, cheese, béchamel sauce, and homemade meat sauce melt
