- 3 min read

Fuji Kachoen Flower & Owl Park

Beautiful Begonias, Fuchsia, a Bird Show & more!

Fuji Kachoen is home to an interesting combination of beautiful species, so you won’t want to miss an opportunity to visit! It is home to an enclosure of 120 Owls and a greenhouse of 10,000 Begonia and Fuchsia flowers that bloom all year round. Fuji Kachoen flower garden and owl aviary first opened in 1990 and is located in Asagiri highland of Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture. On a clear day, you can even catch a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji at the entrance of Kachoen.

Owls, owls, and more owls! Upon entering the barn-like structure, you are first greeted by an adorable pair of miniature owls named Pocky & Cocoa. Feel free to take their photos. Just please do not touch as they are openly perched on a tree stump next to the cash register. Other mature owls can be found perched in private enclosures protected by wind and rain, and large enough to spread their wings. If you follow Fuji Kachoen on Twitter, photos of various owls will occasionally appear in your news feed with a warm greeting and the weather forecast for Asagiri Plateau. Kawaii!

Watch a bird show. You’ll want to plan your tour around the facility based on attending one of two shows held daily: 10:30am and 1:30pm. During our visit, the afternoon performance included two owls and a Harris’ Hawk inside the greenhouse. This type of hawk is social in nature, which results in easier training. Its wingspan averages about 103cm to 120cm and creates a breeze you won’t forget after it flies over your shoulder to seize the treat it has earned from the trainer. On the other hand, the owls will not only show off their wingspan, but their impressive ability to ride a skateboard, run, and even walk throughout an obstacle course. At 2:00pm, take a souvenir photo with an owl perched on your shoulder plus petting time, for 300yen.

The Greenhouse is approximately 8000sq meters and is paradise to the beautiful begonia varieties and vibrant fuchsia flowers that surround a grand pond. There are a combined 2,300 species! The temperature within the greenhouse is kept cool in summer and warm in the winter, enabling the garden to thrive throughout the year. Formerly known as “Fuji International Garden” in 1990, Mr. Motoaki of the Kamo Group had a passion for birds and flowers, which resulted in Fuji Kachoen in Shizuoka. If you’re hungry, visit the cafeteria situated within the aerial garden of pendulous-stemmed Tuberous Begonias in full bloom. So pretty!

Last but not least, step into the Lorikeet Landing Cage. As its name suggests, find Australian lorikeets perched on your arm once a cup of food is held in your hand. After a few short seconds, the lorikeets scramble for food up close and personal for just 100yen.

Fuji Kachoen is open 7 days a week, including holidays. Hours during the winter period (12/1 – 3/31) are 9:00am to 4:30pm; summer period (4/1 – 11/30) are 9:00am to 5:00pm. Adult admission is 1,100yen and Children are 550yen. To access by Train & Bus, take Fujikyu express Bus at JR Fujinomiya Station 35-minutes. Get off at Roadside Station Asagiri Plateau bus stop and walk 10 minutes.

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Elena Lisina 5 years ago
I hope to visit this place in summer, thank you for the information, Jessica! :)
Elena Lisina 5 years ago
It reminds Kobe Animal Kingdom - wonderful place!
Iain Stanley 10 years ago
Whooo would've thought!!

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