Food "Cross B Plus" Restaurant in Sendai Justin Velgus "Cross B Plus" is a casual restaurant located at the historic intersection of "Basho no Tsuji" in central Sendai. It features projection..
Chinese Kaen: Japanese-Chinese restaurant Laura Welch A small and simple restaurant where you can taste Japan's favorite parts of Chinese cuisine!
Food Oretachi no Sushi Dining: Senpachi Laura Welch From an economical yet delicious lunch buffet to a more refined evening service, this sushi restaurant has a lot to offer.
Food Real Pizza at Kitchen Jagaimo [Closed] Brian Takahashi Looking for the best pizza in Tohoku? This might be it. Kitchen Jagaimo features hand-made pizzas in a brick oven, charming atomsphere,..
Food The "Golden Hamburg" Restaurant Justin Velgus Tsukimichi (つきみち) is a restaurant located in Wakuya Town, Miyagi Prefecture which is famous for its homemade hamburgs. To ..
Chinese "Come and Get It!" Chinese Food Justin Velgus Tabenioide Ryuuhou (たべにおいで 龍宝) is a popular Chinese restaurant in Akiu, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. Its interesting sig..
Cafe Senz: Soy and Cafe [Closed] Laura Welch The importance of soy in Japanese cuisine is often overlooked, but not at Senz. They use Japan-grown, high quality beans in everything..
Food "Tomiyado" Tourism Exchange Center in Tomiya City, ... Justin Velgus "Tomiyado" (とみやど) is a tourism exchange center in Tomiya City, Miyagi Prefecture that opened in mid-2021. It is located ju..