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Meijiza Theatre

Meijiza Theatre

Japan Travel

A neww digital stage curtain, designed by TeamLab, is Meijiza's latest move to keep up with the times

Tokyo 3
Seihakusai Dekayama Matsuri 2025

Seihakusai Dekayama Matsuri 2025

Early May

The Seihakusai Dekayama Matsuri in Nanao, Ishikawa; not every day you get to help pull a 20-ton float down the narrow streets of..

Ishikawa Free Entry
Japan Sea Cold Cod Festival 2025

Japan Sea Cold Cod Festival 2025

Late Jan

Cold cod soup or dongara jiru is a popular winter dish in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, and the Japan Sea Cold Cod Festival..

Yamagata Free Entry