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Historical city with centuries-old buildings and shops

About Kurashiki
Photo: Kurashiki – Nicolas R. / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Things to do in Kurashiki

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Places to stay in Kurashiki

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About Kurashiki

Kurashiki City sits in the heart of Okayama Prefecture. With a population close to 500,000 people it makes for a city that has a lot to offer day or night. Whatever you want to do it has it all. Walking around the Bikan area, a historical area that was spared during WWII which has buildings, shops, people that will draw you back to the Edo period and just by turning a corner you will end up in modern shopping complexes.

Take the train out to Kojima Town and hop on the jeans bus to visit and shop in the largest jeans and clothing manufacturers in Japan. You can even buy a jeans inspired kimono.

Next to Kojima Town you can visit Mizushima Town which is home to some of Japan's largest companies and their plants. Mitsubishi Motor Corporation, Mitsubishi Chemical Company, Japan Future Enterprise (JFE) which used to be the world's largest steel plant.

Hop over the Takahashi River and you will arrive in Tamashima Town and Funao Village which is famous for growing Okayama's muscat grapes as well as other fruit, vegetables and flowers.

It may seem strange that a city can be an historical centerpoint, a place where enormous industrial complexes exist and rolling hills of green fields but when you travel outside to regional places in Japan you will discover how cities have made this dynamic work.
