Culture 5 Destinations for History Buffs in Nagasaki Kim Bergström There are many great destinations across Japan for history buffs, but Nagasaki has a large number of historical spots in a compact..
Culture Megane-bashi Bridge Sleiman Azizi In Nagasaki on Kyushu island in western Japan, Megane-bashi is one of the country's oldest bridges. It's famous for its..
Culture Hashima Rey Waters Hashima: "Battleship Island" (Gunkanjima) was a historic coal mining that began in the 1800's. Near Nagasaki, the island became..
Culture Painting Porcelain in Hasami Neal Dang Watch an automated display showing how a Japanese craftsman paints Hasami porcelain.
Culture Nagasaki Peace Park Sleiman Azizi In Kyushu in western Japan, Nagasaki Peace Park features the Peace Statue, a huge statue created to commemorate the victims of the..
Culture Rodan's Saikai Bridge Armand Vaquer In the movie Rodan, the Saikai Bridge is blown down by the monster's backdraft. A visit here is a must for fans.
Culture Dutch Slope Sleiman Azizi In Nagasaki on Japan's western Kyushu island, Dutch Slope is a picturesque sloping street famous for its historic European-style..
12 Temples & Shrines Nagasaki's Great Buddhist Cemetery Larry Knipfing The most amazing cemetery I have ever visited is located on a mountainside up behind the many temples that run along the Teramachi..