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Yushima Tenman Shrine

Yushima Tenman Shrine

Maren Pauli

Yushima Tenman Shrine in Tokyo is dedicated to Tenjin, the deity of learning, and attracts many students who pray for good grades.

Kanahebisui Shrine Flower Festival 2025

Kanahebisui Shrine Flower Festival 2025

Late Apr - Mid May

People visit Miyagi's Kanahebisui Shrine to pray for luck in the business and financial realms, but it's also a popular spot for flower fans.

Miyagi ¥300
Hakkaisan Shrine in Autumn 6

Hakkaisan Shrine in Autumn


Hakkaisan Shrine in Niigata Prefecture is a tranquil and photogenic spot to visit for a look at the changing leaves of autumn.

Niigata 3