Japanese Banzan Soba Laura Welch For a healthier (and gluten-free!) alternative to ramen, Banzan offers soba noodles alongside soba tea, soba ice-cream, soba snacks.....
Food Datehan Nagaya Sakaba Justin Velgus The Date Clan Hangout Pub (伊達藩長屋酒場) is a restaurant specializing in local Miyagi Prefecture cuisine. It features an Ed..
Japanese Sendai hand-roasted Senbei Crackers Justin Velgus Sendai Kouren Honpo is a store specializing in hand made senbei crackers. With five tasty flavors and just a five minute walk ..
Japanese Wabi-ichi, Sendai NC Wabi-ichi is a jewel of a restaurant situated in the heart of Sendai City: great food, lovely setting, and a welcoming and traditional..
French Sampling Croquette at Asaichi Akemi Miura The Asahiichi Market is a local fish and produce market in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. A croquette shop is very popular and ser..
Cafe Ohisamaya Vegetarian Cafe Laura Welch If you're looking for a delicious break from processed foods, or know a hungry vegetarian, this is the cafe for you!
Food Pan Flote: Vegetable Dining [Closed] Laura Welch There aren't many vegetarian or vegetarian-friendly restaurants in Sendai, but here's one that has some interesting di..